December Fever, which is essentially a cluster of days dedicated to student’s week at DGMC, was celebrated on December 11, 12, and 13, 2019.
It was curated by the students’ council. This event is an event for the students, by the students, with the students. It was a 3 day event.
The first day, December 11, 2019 was the Retro day. The college was decorated in the retro theme and students and faculty members were dressed in a retro fashion.
Day two was a Twin Day, where the students had to pair up with their friend and dress identically. There were also games and activity where the pair had to play in pair. The games were whisper challenge, one legged lemon and spoon race, beg, bowwow, steal and many more. Students as well as faculty participated for this event with great enthusiasm.
Day 3 was the most colorful day as it was the Traditional Day. Students were dressed in their respective traditional attire. The members of the council also staged a traditional dance performance.

The icing on the cake was the food festival. The students of DGMC had put up these stalls with home cooked traditional dishes and street food.
The highlight of the event was the donation drive as part of DGMC’s CSR activity; students collected stationery items, reading material and story-books and donated to an orphanage – Aapnalaya