Report on Webinar
“Media Takes A New Dive: Careers and Opportunities”
hosted on Zoom online platform on 26th May, 2020
About the Webinar
The webinar “Media Takes A New Dive: Careers and Opportunities” was organised under the leadership of Dr. Amee Vora by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Deviprasad Goenka Management College of Media Studies.
The webinar was hosted on Zoom online platform on 26th May, 2020 (Tuesday) between 4.00 p.m and 6.30 p.m. That the event was very well received was evident from the enormous Google Form registrations from participants across India. The webinar was also live streamed on YouTube. The video record of the event has been made available on the college YouTube channel.
The programme was a completely free of cost arrangement for the participants as the intention behind organising this webinar was to enable the access of meaningful guidance to students of Higher Secondary schools and Under Graduate Colleges who aspire to make a career in Media, Communication, Journalism and Entertainment.
Several deliberations, discussions and meetings were conducted on a day-to-day basis to reach out to the prospective participants on the one hand, and to obtain the best possible coordination and cooperation from the resource persons on the other hand, so that the purpose of the webinar is realized in full authenticity.
Setting the Stage
The webinar commenced with the Master of the Ceremony Prof. Saurabh Deshpande’s brief welcome note followed by the National Anthem.

The honourable principal, Dr. Amee Vora, delivered the inaugural speech introducing the audience to the legacy of RSET. She drew the audience’s attention to the tech-specific academic campus and career centred learning experience offered at Deviprasad Goenka Management College of Media Studies. Announcements regarding introduction of new dynamic short term courses in the academic year 2020 – 2021 were also made.
After this, the Master of the Ceremony introduced the main speakers and the college alumni who are now growing professionals. Participants were intimated about Online Survey Questionnaires that were arranged to flash on their viewing screen so they could fill in and participate as active listeners.
Career Guidance
Dr. Amitha Sehgal – an Author, Academician, Researcher and Trained Yoga Teacher, with membership in 3 committees of the Reserve Bank of India, chairmanship in the Advertising Examiner’s Panel and 35 years of stunning teaching experience, was the first Resource Person to address the audience. She guided the participants with information regarding career opportunities in Advertising.
She pointed out the necessity to learn, unlearn, re-learn and re invent. She urged youngsters to take things in their stride understanding that crises such as India-Pakistan partition conflict, disruption on the face of industrial revolution, world wars, plague etc. also had disillusioned the youngsters for some time but they did manage to rebuild their dreams on the lines of new normalcy.
Emphasizing the importance of working in cooperation instead of competition, Dr. Sehgal explained how taking up temporary projects, work from home jobs, making lifestyle changes like adapting to home cooking and yoga practicing can go a long way in nurturing emotional intelligence, anger management, risk management and money management etc, ultimately leading to a balanced life.
Referring to the resilience campaign of Nike in its post Covid Advertisement, Dr. Sehgal explained how more and more Advertisements in future are likely to focus on behavioural and psychological aspects of society. She further asserted that all know-how related to Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Digital and Social Media Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing and Email Campaigning are indispensable to every aspirant who wants to make a career in the digital arena, at present. A grooming acquired through college education could help transform the everyday fun activities youngsters do on Social Media platforms into something rewarding.
A Director at Audit Bureau of Circulation, Mr. Sandip Tarkas – a music enthusiast, entrepreneur, portfolio manager and media head having 30 years of diversified work experience, shed light on the career avenues open in Sports.
His Powerpoint presentation projected job profiles including Sports Analyst, Team Photographer, Action Photographer, Video Editor and Sports Blogger. Skill based opportunities such as Coach Referee, Trainer, Therapist and Yoga Instructor, and Manufacturing opportunities such as Equipments, Apparels and Merchandise etc. and Infrastructure opportunities such as Gym, Yoga Centre, Skating Centre, Massage Centre, Gaming Centre etc. are remarkable career vistas for aspirants.
Having worked with big brands like Pepsi, Kodak and InMobi, Mr. Vishal Nongbet – an ace Business Leader adept in carrying out Media & Entertainment operations both offline and online began his Powerpoint aided presentation by drawing the attention of the participants to the fact that the business of entertainment is more a business of content. He pointed out that the Entertainment industry has been growing at a CAGR of 13% which is double the GDP growth of India. Mr. Nongbet highlighted the career prospects open in the following sectors within the Entertainment industry:
Animation/ VFX/Post Production: Growing at a CAGR of 16%, the industry offers career opportunities in Sales and Marketing, Animation, Operations Management, Special Effects etc.
Gaming: Growing at a CAGR of 32%, Gaming is a 6000 crores industry and is expected to grow 4 times in the coming 10 years and has made the maximum millionaires. Career opportunities include Sales & Marketing , Coding job, Animation job etc.
OTT Video Streaming: Being the latest platform in Entertainment, OTT offers openings in Sales and Marketing, Operations, Management etc.
A Senior Correspondent at Hindustan Times, Ms. Ankita Bhatkhande – a passionate Writer, Researcher and Education Reporter introduced the audience to the career opportunities provided by Journalism, considering the technological Boom that is expected in the coming years. She reminded that everyone is a news producer as well as consumer of information and hence the industry is bound to witness huge growth.
In Ms. Bhatkahande’s view, Journalism has 3 streams: Print media like newspaper, Broadcast media like television and Digital media like online news. She listed the courses that qualify among the recognized rungs of journalism: Bachelor in Arts, Bachelor in Mass Media, Bachelor in Mass Communication and Journalism, Masters in Arts, Masters in Communication and journalism and Masters in Film and Television.
Ms. Bhatkhande guided the participants by sharing the opportunities open in the field of Journalism as Reporters, Independent Bloggers, News Readers, News Editors etc. Furthermore, she highlighted the skills that are required to make a career in Journalism: Reading and Understanding, Flair in Writing, Ability to Multitask, Ready to Chase Deadlines and Good Communication skills.
Setting the Stage
The webinar commenced with the Master of the Ceremony Prof. Saurabh Deshpande’s brief welcome note followed by the National Anthem.
The honourable principal, Dr. Amee Vora, delivered the inaugural speech introducing the audience to the legacy of RSET. She drew the audience’s attention to the tech-specific academic campus and career centred learning experience offered at Deviprasad Goenka Management College of Media Studies. Announcements regarding introduction of new dynamic short term courses in the academic year 2020 – 2021 were also made.
After this, the Master of the Ceremony introduced the main speakers and the college alumni who are now growing professionals. Participants were intimated about Online Survey Questionnaires that were arranged to flash on their viewing screen so they could fill in and participate as active listeners.
Alumni Perspective
The alumni of Deviprasad Goenka Management College Ms. Anushree Shetty, Ms. Seema Tiwari, Mr. Varun Menon and Mr. Rugwed Kulkarni addressed the audience sharing their learning experience at their alma mater and the career opportunities in fields of Media Planning, Journalism, Film Making and Direction respectively.
Questions & Answers
After the Resource Persons and Alumni had addressed the audience, Prof. Dolly Awati moderated a Question and Answer session compiling all the questions participants had put up on the chat boxes of the live Zoom webinar and YouTube platforms.
Au revoir
Following the Question and Answer session, Prof. Ponselvi proposed the Vote of Thanks and announced the closing of the webinar. Online Feedback forms were filled in by participants and submitted later. In the subsequent days, E-Certificates of Participation were emailed to participants.
Webinar Outcome
The following outcomes were achieved through the webinar:
- Institution received data pertaining to popular knowledge and preferences through surveys participants actively filled in during the course of the webinar.
- Participants received direct access to expert guidance from leading professionals.
- Aspirants received the opportunity to interact and ask questions to get any information they required.
- Participants received inputs on how appropriate educational qualification could give a competitive edge in building careers.
- Participants received an exposure to the conducive learning environment at DGMC for pursuing studies related to Entertainment/Media/Communication/Journalism.
- Participants received directions related to lifestyle management and attitude management which are integral to building sustainable careers.
Chief Patron:
Shri Ashok M. Saraf
President RSET
Shri Kailash S. Kejriwal
Hon. Secretary & Trustee
Shri Sajjankumar Goenka
DGMC – Donor
Shri Narendra D Goenka
DGMC – Donor
Dr Amee Vora
Principal – DGMC
Webinar Convener
Ms. Dolly Awati
Assistant Professor – UG Programme
IQAC Organising Committee:
Mr. Partha Samantha, Assistant Professor – PGDM
Mr. Saurabh Deshpande, Assistant Professor – BMM
Ms. PonSelvi, Assistant
Professor – UG Program
Ms. Geetanjali Wani, Librarian
Ms. Sunita Cordeiro – Coordinator
Drafted by: S. Ponselvi, IQAC Member
Submitted on: 24th June, 2020