Students of TYBAMMC, TYBAFTNMP, MACJ-Part II & MAFTNMP-Part II were accorded a grand farewell by SYBAMMC, SYBAFTNMP, MACJ-Part I & MAFTNMP-Part II students on Saturday, 7th May, 2022 in Durgadevi Saraf Hall.
187 students and staff were present for the glittering function, which lasted for two hours, from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm…
Dr Amee Vora, Principal, DGMC addressed the students and advised them to never stop learning in life. She also appealed to them to return to DGMC, their Alma Mater, whenever their institute may need them.

“ADIOS AMIGOS”, as the event was named, proved to be a glittering one, with students decked up in all their finery, and thoroughly enjoying the evening.
Representative students from all outgoing batches shared their experiences with DGMC during the course of the evening. A few teachers also shared their good thoughts with the gathering.
The evening ended on a happy note with all students dancing to the music and clicking their selfies at the “Selfie Point” that had been created and put up in the hall.